Monday, November 9, 2009

Italian For Beginners

Now technically this is just a little light chick-lit, but it was also a little bit of a Roman travelogue. Sicne I can't travel, I love the romance mixed with travel books. For some reason this one kept me hooked. The story wasn't as predictable as other chick-lit can be, so it kept me entertained the whole way through.
Cat leaves her ho-hum life to do something impulsive and different to try and spice up her life. Well whose life wouldn't be spiced up if they dropped everything and went to Rome for 4 weeks. Cat is 35 and single and spends most of her time in Rome taking pictures, trying to get over the death of her mother, and trying to figure out her relationships with men. I think there was a little too much deep introspection on Cat and her realtionship with her mother. I would have liked to see the love story developed more, but overall it was very readable. It made for a good light weekend read. It won't change your life, but will keep you entertained. Over all I would say it was a home run for chick-lit.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

NaNoWriMo Story

Yes I'm doing it. I've even got more than 5000 words already. My reading is slacking and I just can't find anything really good to read. I've tried a few, but nothing has stuck. I did finish Finding Oz and it was awesome, but I'm not in the mood to write a formal review.
I tried Cry to Heaven by Anne Rice but it was so boring. I wasn't engrossed by page 150 so I figured it wasn't worth finishing.
So now I'm engrossed in getting in my 2500 words a day for NaNoWriMo. So far so good, but for me it's only day 3. I've done the math for this and if I do 2500 words a day on the weekdays, not including Thanksgiving Day I will meet the 50,000 mark just in time for the end of the month.

I had no plans when I started this story. I just sat down and waited to see what was going to come out. It started out as me, but now has kind of morphed into an Angelina Jolie bad ass mother kind of character and she will be duking it out with none other than Brad Pitt as the bad guy. I don't know how that happened, but when I visualize the characters I created, that is who they look like so I'm going to go with it.
I tried to think of something that could hold my attention and give me enought little scenes to write for a whole month and what I have come up with is:

From the soon to be released book jacket........ A mother leaves her family to take a job in Las Vegas for six weeks to try and save the family from financial ruin, but once she enters into the seedy underworld of Las Vegas she is unsure if she will ever be able to return to her family again.

Oh yeah. That's right. The "seedy underworld". I want it to be kind of like a combo of Jane Eyre... you know a stranger in a big new house with strange people, a new job, a myserious past, a hidden secret.
And then for the cliffhanger at the end the husband will come and save his wife, but he will do it on the newly finished Hoover Dam suspension bridge.
It is going to be freaking awesome.